Five Natural Energy Drinks

There is a surfeit of energy drinks in the market today all vaunted as super charging drinks. However, the fact is that most of these drinks do not have the nutritional value of even a cup of coffee or a can of soda. Natural drinks on the other hand are storehouses of energy as well as nutritionWater – Water is God’s gift to the living world. It provides us with life. A sip of this ultimate natural drink works wonders when you are tired. At any moment in life you cannot survive without water. Sports persons or soldiers tired after a long day of fighting are rejuvenated by a single sip of water. You understand how much energy and vitality water provides if you have to stand out in the hot sun in say a desert area and your throat is parched. Fatigue is generally caused by dehydration and the primary function of water is essentially to rehydrate the body.That this is one of the most essential elements is evident from the fact that animals and all human civilizations settled near water.

Milk – After water, milk is the most popular drink. This is the elixir of life. The first thing a newborn baby be it human or not, drinks is its mother’s milk. Unlike other mammals human beings drink milk even after they grow up. Milk contains almost all the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins. The main constituent of milk that produces energy is lactose. This sugar is digested and converted to lactic acid. Lactic acid assists our body in absorbing calcium, phosphorus and iron and strengthens our bodies. It also helps in the digestion of milk proteins.

Buttermilk – Some people are known to be intolerant to lactose and hence cannot drink milk. Buttermilk is fermented milk. It is thicker than milk and acidic in nature. The fermentation causes the lactose to break down into lactic acid. Buttermilk will provide you with sufficient carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and irons to keep you energetic.

Coconut water – Coconut water is found inside the coconut. This is a natural energy drink that does not contain any cholesterol or fat. On the other hand, it contains a lot of minerals like potassium and magnesium which help to keep our muscles and nerves strong. It contains a lot of organic compounds that aid in the growth and maintenance of human bodies. Coconut water also contains essential sugars and salts that help in rejuvenating you when you are fatigued.

Green tea – Tea leaves have been known to be used ancient people in China as an energy booster and curative. Green tea possesses a number of health benefits. It helps you in digesting your food and improves your body metabolism. The caffeine present in tea is a natural stimulant which has a rejuvenating and also soothing effect on your body.

You can also prepare very delicious and invigorating natural energy drinks at home by adding bananas, berries, kiwis or other fruits rich in calcium and other minerals to milk or water.
By: Kya
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