A. Background Issues
The Koran is the word of Allah SWT. that we become a source of aqidah. In absolute Al-Quran is the word of the most glorious and most noble. Indeed, it is advice from God, who delivered advice for curing heart and can mangikis all disease, dirt and contempt in the chest to re-light and bright disposition disematkan belief that God is back on human functioning. As word of God Almighty:
This means: "And we sent down from Al-Quran as a bidder and mercy for those who believe and Al-Quran is not add to those losses, other than wrong." (QS. Al-Isrok: 82)

The Koran also able to cure various diseases physical, and psychological.
"As the holy Scripture, the role of Al-Quran is very central in the life of the individual and social people of Quebec. Its role is not only covers the problem of ritual worship, but the order also includes economic, social, political and even cultural. "
"The parson different opinions in explaining the definition of Scripture. according to manna'Al-Qhathan: The Koran is the book of God is revealed to the prophet Mohammed and the people who read it will get the reward. "
"According to experts, ushul fiqih, fiqih and Arabic: Al-Qur'an Kalam is the God who revealed to the prophets, Muhammad. Lafad-lafadnya contain signs, it has a value of worship, revealed in mutawatir, and written in mushaf, from the beginning of Al-tomorrow (1) until the end of An-Nas (114). "
The Koran has its own name in the difference between Al-Quran (reading), Al-Huda (leaders) Al-Dzikir (increase) An-Nur (Light) Al-Furqon (pembeda), Al-Bayan (explanation ) And Al-Hikmah (philosophy) and others. The name of the Al-Koran itself is the name of a popular and prominent. God gave that distinction to the book revealed the dawn of this with the name of the Al-Koran as the Book Samawi previously. The Koran is a book of the phenomenal, pantaslah he called the largest Allah phoenix. He is kalamullah that will always be preserved and guaranteed sanctity and kemurniannya for ever. As word of God Almighty:

إن نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون (الحجر:)
This means: Verily, we lower the al-dirty, and we really take care of. (QS. Al-Hijr: 9)
Among the signs of Scripture in the early diturunkankannya the most prominent is a style of language. Ordering style language Al-Quran is not the same style of language paper known human language Arab community is tense. The Koran is not poetic, nor shaped poisi. Accordingly Khuroish Shihab explain language verses of Scripture, although that has been described as God or not the lyric poems, but feels and sounds unique in rime have and ritmenya. Although the majority has said that the stories of Scripture always opposed, or more often not in accordance with the limits set by literary critics. However, the value of literature contained in the Al-Quran is very high and it is recognized by experts literature.

Although the language has a style that is unique, beautiful and has a value of literature that high, but the excess of Scripture compared with Scripture that is easy for other destinations and understood what if we really and seriously want to memorize and memehami and has the intention yagn iklas to maintain kenurnian Al-Koran itself. As word of God Almighty:

This means: "We have made it easy for Al-Quran lessons, So does the person taking lessons" (Al-Qamar: 17)

"Thousands of people, even tens of thousands of Islam that has been memorize Scripture, and we should also proud that most of them are small children who still are not enough age (Send), the same one they may not know the function and meaning of Al -Qur 'an itself. "It can not pungkiri that we can to cram it needed hard work beside the signs of Allah, should also have the intention, the embroidery round, consistent and sincere intention that the iklas will not need time for many years to menyelesailan as those made earlier, many of them memorize it only takes a few months behkan only a few weeks.
Nowadays many penghafal the Al-Koran, which for many years can not solve, even in a period of five years, even more than that to obtain a new half or less than half the Al-Quran. There are several factors that hamper them, including the lack of totality and consistency, because for someone who inginmenghafal it should have the totality and consistency to the Al-Koran itself. In addition to the daily schedule should have the right, such as repeat again sap the past (takror), the schedule to add a new rattle and others, so that when there are activities that can not be held as scheduled will be replaced at the time that other, so it will not there are more events left.
Targeting system as per sap, per week, month, year and also needs to be done to memotifasi themselves, because many of them do not have a specific target, so that usually sap the new disetorkan processed directly to teachers. This is certainly much more than rattle the long-prepared.
The first step should be done by someone who wants to memorize Scripture that is about to read (binnadlor) to really smoothly and in accordance with the rule-rule Tajwid, while do not memorize the show that he himself is currently con Al-Qur 'I (could demand a knowledge of other religions). Until if enough qualified if forward again to act like a teacher sap will easily solve them within a relatively short time that is always ready for use. Things like this are often ignored by the penghafal Al-Qur'an dizaman now, so they need a long enough time to complete.
Memorize Scripture is a task that is majestic. Therefore, it is required that the device also exalted. Memorize Scripture is a goal that is a very noble goal. Thus, in order merealisasikannya we need to spend sufficient time.
There are several factors that have a close relationship to memory in the al-Quran, and these are divided into three parts. First, inculcate material recitation of well as increased and set their own rattle-rattle. This is the most important factors. Second, including brokers fundamental (basic), without which it seems difficult for candidates hafidz al-Koran objectify hafalannya to quickly and precisely in mengulangnya. Third, secondary or supplementary factor. These factors help in considering the re-remember recitation of intensive and effective.

Given the high position of the hafidz and its functions in maintaining the Al-Quran, and the still low level of their understanding of how correct that they should do to ease the grind of Al-Quran, and many more other things that should be done by the hafidz in the Koran Tahfidzul Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh, but abandoned as described above.
Based on the background of these issues, authors are interested to study with the title "Efforts Teachers Tahfidzul Koran Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan in the ability of Al-memorize the Koran at the Putra Santri Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh," with the reasons as follows:
1. Because Tahfidzul Koran is a practice that is very commendable and should be developed metodologinya.
2. Because the Koran Tahfidzul Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan is the only Islamic boarding the mendalmi Al-Qur'an in Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
3. Because the author merupkan one of the reasons santri Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.

B. Research Objectives
Background of the problems that have been presented above, the author menetepkan research purposes as follows:
1. To know the efforts of teachers in Islamic boarding improve in Surabaya, the son of Al-memorize the Koran in Pondok Pesanren Tahfidzul Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
2. To find out the results achieved by the son in Surabaya, memorize Scripture in Pondok Pesanren Tahfidzul Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.

C. The restrictions and problems
1. Limiting Problems
To prevent problems in this research is not widespread, the author should provide relief to the variables below:
1. Effort is a business that is done seriously for the achievement of a desired destination.
2. Teachers are the reasons that people try to introduce, improve, refine and make students become better and closer to the Lord.
3. Memorize Scripture is to control the verses of the Quran without looking and control sciences Tajwid the inside.

2. Problem formulation
In this research the author to formulate the problem as follows:
a. The efforts made whether teachers in Islamic boarding improve memorize Scripture santri son dipondok boarding Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh?
b. How do the results from the efforts of teachers in the hut pesanten increase menhafal Al-Qur'an in Surabaya, the son of Islamic boarding Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh?

D. Research Methods
1. Population and sample
Population is a set of elements, or elements that become the object of research. While the sample is representative of the population, or some of the founders.
As the population in this research is all Pondok Pesantren santri son Tahfidzu Al-Quran Al-Hasan 34 the number of Surabaya. Because the population is less than one hundred people, the research does not use the sample.
2. Technical Data Collection
a. . Observations
The author observsi to make learning santri son, activities in Surabaya, about the time, at the time of rest, work on wakyu devoted, on the night of rest and worship, such as midnight qiymullail and so forth.
b. Interview
In this research the author interview with the nurse pesantre hut, the board of teachers, administrators hut and Surabaya, the son of Al-memorize the Koran in Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
c. Documentation
In conducting this research, authors need the documents as follows:
1) Books curriculum
2) data on teacher
3) data santri bills ghoib
4) Absensi teachers
5) Absensi santri
6) The organizational structure
7) Act foundation
8) Book value

3. Data Analysis
Technical analysis is a way to analyze the results of the data obtained in the research. Technical analysis of this data is used to determine the answer to the problems of research with the aim to search for the truth of the data obtained so that the conclusions can be drawn.
The data has been collected is processed and analyzed using the methods of analysis diskriptif kwaliatif, meaning that the data collected dipilah-Sorted and grouped. While there are a number yng, divided, diprosentase and dikualitaskan.

E. Sistematika Provident
In writing this essay, the author preparing a five-chapter and attachment attachment. In general, sistematika discussion in this essay is as follows:
This essay begins with the title page, note sheets ratification pembibing approval, introduction, motto, daftas content, and a list of attachments, all this is the future of the essay, and then resumed discussions perbab which is the contents of the essay, perbab discussion are as follows:
PART I: Introduction
In this chapter contains the background of problems, research purposes, restrictions and formulation of problems, methods of research and preparation of sistemetika.
CHAPTER II: Literature Review
Is a theoretical discussion about Islamic boarding and memorize Scripture.
CHAPTER III: Overview of the general Islamic boarding tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Parihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
In this chapter discusses a brief history, organizational structure, facilities and infrastructure, and learning in Pondok Pesantren Tahfzdul Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
PART IV: Efforts to improve the ability memorize Scripture santri son in Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
It contains chapters on the forms of efforts, obstacles and solutions and performance achieved in improving the ability memorize Scripture santri son in Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.


A. Pondok Pesantren
1. Understanding of Pondok Pesantren
It is not clear and not many references that describe when boarding the first stand, even the term boarding, Kyai, Surabaya and still be debated. According to the origin of the word comes from boarding a word Santri get to know the leading particle and an ending that shows the place. Thus, where the boarding means Surabaya. In addition, the origin of the word sometimes boarding dianngap Sant combination of (human) and with the syllable tra (helpful). So that the word pesntren can bearti "place of education as well." Pesntren according to their own understanding of the place is basically learning the santr, while bearti hut or dwelling houses made of simple bamboo. Dismping said that the hut may come from Arab language "funduq" bearati a hotel or asarama.

Nurkholis Majid argues that talk about boarding can not be separated with the word Surabaya. Santri derived from the word Sastri (sanskrit), which bearti literacy, dikonotasikan Surabaya is the literary class, religious knowledge to read from the Book of Arab-speaking and assumed that santri bearti also people who know about religion (melaluai Book - the book) and most can not read Al santri -qur 'an, so bring more serious attitude in regard religion.

"Boarding house is an Islamic educational institution in which there is Kyai (educators) that maengajar and educate the Surabaya (students) by means of the mosque used for education and is supported by the hut as the residence of Surabaya."
In the implementation of this now, many of the system or the type of education that is held by the Islamic boarding, the outline can be classified into two forms that important:
a. Hut salafiyah
Hut is a salafiyah Islamic boarding in the teaching of Scripture and the sciences of Islam that the activities of education and teaching as the ongoing growth since the beginning.

b. Islamic boarding khalafiyah ( 'Ashriyah)
Islamic boarding khalafiyah are reasons that provide kepesantrenan, also provide formal education (school point), either way public schools (elementary, junior high school, and SMK), and the way the school berciri typical island Agam (MI, MT, MA , Or MAK).

2. History Pondok Pesantren
Islamic boarding is one place where the education of Islam in Indonesia first, for it when we talk about the reasons are not clear from the beginning of the entry and the development of Islam in Indonesia. As the history of the influx of spam in Indonesia, where anger brought by traders as well as the ulama, they provide education and the teaching there is every chance that there is your time to trade them. This boarding on the opinion of some that kontrdiktif.
First, the group argues that this is a creative original boarding children after contact with the local culture. Pesantren education system is a Hindu-Buddhist, analogous to the theater and dormitory in the treasury educational institutions pre-awakened. Second, a group that argues that the boarding diadobsi from educational institutions INDIANA middle east. This group doubted the opinion that states that the theater and a residential institution that has existed since the days of Hindu-budha's a place where the practice of teaching as textual dipesantren.

One of the methods they applied to introduce Wii as a process of education, namely the method or Uswah example perilaku.mereka socialization in the community to provide examples of good behavior, such as civility, ungrudging, honorable, loving, trustworthy, tempered, honest and fair. However INDIANA dikenlkan awakened by teaching tools where they bearada. And where they have the opportunity to live long enough, they build mosques or langgar. Two places of worship are used as a medium for providing teaching or preaching to the people of Quebec are.
As has been done by Rasullah said, with a friend when the migration from Mecca to Medina, he made the mosque as a center of education nabawi anger. Mosque, which is an education center that accommodates all single people, without age limit, slowly evolved into a center of education to secondary level anger and universities, and education for displaced children the basic level was established al-kuttab.
"From here the side dish ditimur start up a middle name with the madrasah hut pesanten, namely the mosque as a center of education and the classrooms and students lodging asram (Surabaya)." Samudra couple is the center of education or anger Islamic boarding the first in Indonesia. Furthermore, the education system in pesantren is not only there are only a couple of disamudra, but has spread kepulau bred and even Indonesia.

3. Elements Pondok Pesantren
There are some elements in the Islamic boarding, which can not be separated one another. Zamakhsyari Dhafier book in the tradition of Pesantren, said 5 elements, namely Kyai, Surabaya, mosques, boarding and lodging of classic books.
a. Ulama '(Kyai)
Ulama is a person who has knowledge of the revelations of Allah, that is good and did Qur'aniyah that followed the khasyyah (fear) of Allah. Ulama 'plural of' alima which means someone who has a deep knowledge, broad and steady. Ulama is seserang that has the personality and character that can maintain a close relationship with God and have the power to prevent the fortress and leave everything that the doghouse by doing. subject, and khasyyah obedient to Him. Ulema or Kyai is the central figure in a pesantren, advanced boarding pullback is determined by the prestige and charisma Kyai. Because it is not rare, when the Kyai disalah a boarding pass, then pamor boarding because of the slump that Kyai not replace setenar Kyai that it has died.

The conditions or criteria theologian, namely:

1) and scholarly skills
a) Understand Al-Quran and Sunnah Rasullullah other ulumuddin
b) Has the ability to understand the situation and condition and can anticipate the development of the community and propaganda spam
c) Ability to lead and guide the people in melaksanakn obligations hablum min God, hablum min Annas and hablum min al-Alam.
2) Devotion
a) subjugate the whole of life and their lives only to Allah SWT.
b) Becoming protectors, defenders and services people (waliyul mu'minin)
c) Accomplishing all the duties and obligations on the basis of faith and piety to Allah SWT with a full sense of responsibility.
b. Santri
Surabaya is one of the important elements in the Islamic boarding, because Surabaya is a group of people that can not be separated from the life of theologian or Kyai. Surabaya is the sisiwa or students educated in Islamic boarding linkungan as well as students and become a pursuivant pelanjut struggle and a theologian.

In boarding, viewed from the side santrinya, there are two, namely a resident of Surabaya (dipesantren live), namely that students coming from distant places that do not allow him to return kerumahnyamaka he mondok (timggal) dipesantren. And Surabaya, bat (Surabaya, who went home), namely the students who come from areas around the memuingkinkan them into the lives of each. Usually, a resident of Surabaya, the amount is greater than that of santri Ngalong.

"Didunia boarding also made a move from Surabaya, a boarding kepesantren other. After a long santri felt it was boarding, then he moved kepesantren other with the purpose to increase and deepen knowledge of the expertise of a Kyai the didatanginya. "
c. Mosque
Literally mean the mosque is a place of prostration, because the place is at least a Muslim five times a day and night carrying prayer.
The mosque is a must in any Islamic boarding, because besides being a place of worship also serves as a center of education. As at the time of the dawn, the mosque is a center of education INDIANA single, and continues until the age khulafa al-Rasyidin namely Abu Bakr, Umar Bin Khattab, Uthman and Ali Bin Abi Talib, who until last year 661 M.

d. Residence Housing
Boarding lodging usually consists of a room, hall, bathroom, kitchen and general sports. In the first period, asarama lodgement of this made much of the bamboo-shaped angkringan (using the pole buffer under the floor). But now the building is shaped buildings, facilities and infrastructure that better than the first period dormitory lodging, and start rarely found the building made of bamboo.
Although the facilities and infrastructure paesantren in the days before boarding the quality under the current quality of Surabaya, but in the days before no less than santri Now, it can be said even more prominent. Not a few graduates in the days before boarding the ulama-ulama large that eventually could establish their own boarding dilingkungan people. .
There are several reasons for the importance of basic hut in a remote, namely: First, the number of Surabaya, Surabaya, which coming from the remote region to demand the knowledge to have a Kyai termashur expertise. Second, the boarding-boarding is located in the villages, where housing is not available santri that coming from outside the region. Third, there is a reciprocal relationship between Kyai and Surabaya, Surabaya, where the Kyai as the parents themselves.

e. Teaching religious sciences
"Teaching religious sciences dipesantrn, generally carried out through the teaching of classical books, in addition to some pesantren memakaim Scripture speak Arabic, which is not classified to the Book classic."
1) The Book of classical Islam
Book of Islam that is more popular classic with a book of yellow, written by the ulama-ulama of Islam in the mid-period. Ingenuity and skill of a santri measured from the ability to read and mensyarahkan (explain) the content is the Scripture. Usually accuse the Book is scheduled to complete the time, place, Kyai teaching, and the name of the book reads.

2) The Book of Islamic Non-Classical
Experiences in Scripture is usually conducted in the modern. Dipesantren-boarding the modern theory Book of classical Islam does not take an important part, not even be taught.
Experiences in religious sciences taken from the Book Arabic prepared by the ulama-ulama of the mutaakhir. As the hut pesantern modern Gontor, mostly religious subjects taken from the Book-length theologian who have been classified to the century-20.

4. Teachers Pondok Pesantren
Islamic boarding institution is the education of Islam in Indonesia, with the first sisitem learning in general, are classic. Speaking teacher hut boarding means can not be separated from education anger. INDIANA role in the education of teachers is very important for the achievement of the goals of education awakened, both short term and long term.
"According to Al-Ghozali, teachers are people who try to introduce, improve, refine and mensucikan hearts to be close to the khaliqnya. To the anger of teachers in the perspective of implementing the education process should be focused on the aspects tazkiah, an-nafs. "
Therefore, an educator is to have some priority nature of His characters. Among the attributes are:

a. Their teachers love their children like his own son.
b. Teachers do not seek payment from the work of surprising, for the trail Rasullah peace with the reasons that teaching is higher than the price of property
c. Teachers should advise students not to seek the knowledge to greatness or find life.
d. Teachers should become a model and an example that should be the main tiru the murud - the students.
e. Teachers should practice knowledge, so that ucapanya not hoodwink perbuatannya.

In this case, Allah said:

This means: "Do you rule with good deeds are against you forget yourself." (QSAl-Baqarah: 44).

5. Pesantren Education System
Actually, the education system in pesantren is advanced levels of education system langgar and mosques, both in materials and methods used. Pesanten that at the beginning of the establishment has a simple teaching, where the scope is simple, both from the side masjidnya, santrinya number, place of residence (pondoknya), and the materials provided.
Establishment of the education system in pesantren have goals, namely:
a. The general objective, which is guiding the students to relate the human became awakened, with the knowledge that his religion is a religion teacher academic (or propagandist mubaligh) awakened in the surrounding community through charitable and science. A graduate of boarding Kyai said that the ideal is the "pi-Pascal" or Surabaya, the berilmu and karimah place. Keshalehan of Surabaya, this is the main purpose of boarding.
b. The specific objective, namely to prepare the santri become pious people (experts or clever) in the science of religion disyahkan by Kyai concerned and can consume in the community.

So the purpose of educational institutions not only enrich the mind Surabaya, with texts and explanations of Marina Park, but to elevate the moral, train and elevate the spirit, respect the values and spiritual humanity, to teach attitudes and highly honest with morality, and prepare students to live a simple and clean hearts.

B. Memorize Scripture
1. And the definition of Priority memorize Scripture
a. The definition memorize Scripture
Memorize Scripture is trying to control the verses of the Al-Koran al-Karim mushaf written in both letters, mahraj, tajwidnya and understand it and try to consume in a day-to-day life.

So to be able to memorize Scripture someone should devote all the assets and capabilities that have the intention of heartfelt praise, with the praise of people, rank, position or the other that is secular. Because this may hamper the smooth memorize Scripture.

b. MERIT memorize Scripture
Allah SWT has been generous to the penghafal it with a very heavy task, for it is memeberikan some priority to those who memorize Scripture. There is some precedence for those who memorize Scripture, including:
1) Penghafal it is the holder of the flag of Islam.
2) Penghafal Scripture is God's family and the people of his choice.
3) Most people mulyanya Mulya-awaited penghafal is the Al-Koran.
4) Get shelter Day of Resurrection, where there is no shelter / protection except the protection of God Almighty.

2. Ways memorize Scripture
In the Al-memorize the Koran there are some methods that need to diketahuai, including:
a. The main methods of dating-con in the Al-Koran
There are some basic methods in the Al-Koran to memory, namely:
1) "Sometimes a heartfelt, merely set themselves maencari dev grace of God and His majesty, does not seek worldly aims, boldness and delicacy obey the appetite and other". "Because, when someone doing an act without basic search keridhoan Allah, charitable will only squander studios. "Allah SWT, said:

This means: "And verily revealed to have and to the (prophets) before that. "If you make (God), will be close amalmu and you certainly including those who are the losers." (QS.Az-zumar: 65)

There are some that can be hampered by the candidates hafizh, such as:
a) intend memprbanyak and often read Scripture
b) intend to conduct prayer with The hafalannya
c) intend to obtain glory as a hafizh on the Al-Koran Allah SWT
d) both parents intend to apply the crown of glory on the Day of Resurrection
e) intend to fortify themselves from the punishment of the Hereafter
f) intend taught to other people
g) intends to become a paragon tauladan good for Muslims and non-Muslim

2) There are highly respected (willpower) to complete the recitation (not end in the road).
3) He berkeinginanuntuk times every Muslim can memorize Scripture. However, the desire not only cukuptanpa accompanied by the willingness and a strong inclination to do this sacred task. Allah SWT said:

This means: "And anyone who desires the Hereafter and strive towards it seriously, he is a believer is, they are the people who run the business better be with." (QS Al-Isra ': 19)

4) Make up your own volition.
Many people who memorize Scripture on the basis of keterpaksaan, for example, forced the parents or forced by the agencies / institutions membiayainya. Because when the sap because the burden will be a compulsion, and can disrupt the concentration of sap.
5) fully self Memanfa'atkan
In the human brain thinks there is strength, which is dependent on the strength of the sensory information through. So if you want to memorize Scripture should use the facilities sensory seriously.

6) Istiqomah in determining the amount of sap
That is set by how many verses that must be memorized in a period of time by observing the brain power and ability to not impose itself.
7) Berdo'a
Berdo'a is a facility that will not be useless if based with the honorable intention. For the memohonlah to God to favor anugrahsebuah given in the form memorize Scripture.

b. The dating method-con supporters in the Al-Koran
1) Make clear that the planning.
Hafizh for candidates must be able to manage time, and specifically in each day, so it is not disturbed by other activities.
2) Using one type of mushaf it in cram.
Meanwhile, according to the author, mushaf it the most suitable and good used memorize Scripture is mushaf Al-mold Tower of the Holy Koran, which called it a corner.
3) Starting from the make-make it that easy destinations.
Actually do not have to rattle the series (not the original nyungsang paragraph) to choose from which would start from either mail it or short letters long.
4) Choose a good time and right
The best time is after the children, ages ranging between 12 or 13 years to 19 or 20 years old, the age of early entry high school level pertamasampi post-secondary school level up.
5) Choosing the right place and support.
The place is one of the banyaksarana that determine the success of someone in the Al-Koran to memory. It must be cultivated to find a place that can make people memorize Scripture can concentrate fully. When dipesantren want to memorize it should be possible to find a boarding devoted to memorize Scripture and have a system and good quality.

c. -Dating method in the brilliant con Al-Qur'an
1) Memanfa'atkan golden age.
One of the things that do not doubt, the children turn to adults is the sap. Postulat Arab said "learning diwaktu like fret over the small stones". Children up to age puber materials is fundamental to memorize Scripture.

2) To limit the portion of sap every day.
Mandatory for anyone wishing to memorize Scripture to limit hafalannya in each day. After the recitation, and limit the reading, start by making repeated (muraja'ah).

3) No switch kesurat other before really menghafalnya.
It also needs to be, namely hafalanperayat to repeat the problems really knows, from top to down, so that paragraph was destinations can be mastered with both.

4) Always correct the sap.
Namely trying to find and correct the error sap, both just a mistake harokat, letter or lafazd, so that mistakes can sap as early as possible and not known to be error latta.

In addition to rule-rule over the best methods are also in the Al-Koran to memory. This method has the special privilege, the rattle of it strong; menghafalnya beside it quickly, to be menghatamkan it in a short time. This method is as follows:
1. Read the first paragraph, as much as 20 times
2. Read the second paragraph, as much as 20 times
3. Read the third paragraph, as much as 20 times
4. Read the fourth paragraph, as much as 20 times
5. Read the fourth paragraph was from beginning to end as much as 20 times, to each other related.
6. Please read the fifth paragraph, as much as 20 times
7. Please read the sixth paragraph, as much as 20 times
8. Read the seventh paragraph, as much as 20 times
9. Please read eighth paragraph, as much as 20 times
10. Read the fifth until the eighth paragraph, as much as 20 times, to each other related.
11. Read the first paragraph to paragraph eight to 20 times, so that you possess the right of this page.
Such methods can be applied in this con each page, so that the final Al-Quran and if can not cram more than make every eighth day, so that the target does not rattle too many to eventually topsy-turvy.

3. Improve the ability of Al-con Qur'qan
a. Improve the ability of understanding
The word comes from the word improve the basic level, by adding the prefix and suffix me, and that means raising degrees, raise the standard and so forth. And the word comes from the ability to afford basic words with the additional prefix to an end and that means the capability, the power to do something, the wealth owned.

So it can be concluded that improving the ability of sap means to increase the degree or extent competence and strength in the Al-Koran to memory.

b. Things that should be done to improve the ability memorize Scripture
Things that should be done by the candidates hafizd in the business to improve menghafalnya, namely:
1) Compulsory learn Arabic language
Al-Qur'an was revealed in Arabic and the Arabic language, too. In addition, it is very ushlub accordance with the descriptions in Arabic, and includes some literature in Arabic accelerate. This causes the Arabic language to become mandatory in the law to understand the meaning of the word and Rhetoric in the Al-Koran ta'bir (controls) and ushlub (style language) in explaining things.

2) Trying to understand the interpreter of Scripture
a) Understanding Asbabun Nuzul
In the understanding of Scripture we need to know the reasons for the decrease paragraph. This is because Al-Quran is revealed gradually in accordance with various events and incidents. Some verses down as the answer to a question, or as a rebuttal to the syubhat get.
b) Many examine the books of commentary
To better understand the Scripture to be a lot hafizd examine the interpretation of the Salaf theologian mufasirin (expert commentary), in accordance with the understanding that salafusshaleh understanding and friendly from generation tabi'in. because they are the generation that lived on the downloaded it. In addition, they are people who know most about Arabic language and direct witness to how it dipraktekan in real life.

3) totally memorize and practice in the Al-Koran
For anyone who wants to memorize Scripture should not half-half, which owned all the ability to be issued. Please note that the intelligence is not everything, memorize something the more it requires more memory (memories) from the intelligence, and the most important in the longer memorize Scripture is forceful self (diligent and industrious) and consistent in everything. it is possible also for the people who levels kecerdasannya low to be able to memorize Scripture. With little by little trying every day and continue to re-repeat what has been a regular destinations.
Another factor that reads well and is not one of their cassettes to hear a recital of the Al-Koran murottal from syaikh During the sustained. because this iniakan improve the quality of someone's recitation.

4) Always repeat-back.
To reinforce the sap, should repeat the page has been destinations as often as possible, not to feel after memorize one page, and then left the sap in the tempo of the old. This will cause the loss of sap that has been mastered.

Al-Koran symbolized woman is the most easily separated from our grasp, if we ignore or menduakannya survived the lack of totality in the grind and keep the sap that we have fun. For a hafidz always claimed to be able to share time with the best of the program and have a clear, so that there is no time terlewatkan in vain. Besides, also claimed to always discipline, because discipline is one of the keys to success in a factory that was converted.

CHAPTER III: Overview of the general Islamic boarding tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Parihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
In this chapter discusses a brief history, organizational structure, facilities and infrastructure, and learning in Pondok Pesantren Tahfzdul Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
PART IV: Efforts to improve the ability memorize Scripture santri son in Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
It contains chapters on the forms of efforts, obstacles and solutions and performance achieved in improving the ability memorize Scripture santri son in Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.

Efforts should be made to Islamic boarding APAYA TEACHER IN IMPROVING KEMAMPUANMENGHAFAL Holy Qur'an SANTRI PUTRA

A. Efforts forms of Teachers
1. Conduct of the Science Tajwid
Tajwid learn the science is very important for people who want to skilled reading of Scripture. One who understand and speak fluent Arab certainly can not read it properly and correctly. For, read Scripture have certain rules-rules manner, that is very special, and only practiced on the book of God is noble.
Allah willed that we read Scripture as where the Prophet Muhammad to read. In the hut is also taught Tajwid understanding of science and its practice by teachers through the activities of learning both in and outside the madrasah diniyyah madrasah.
In the Al-Hasan is the science of the Tajwid taught by a teacher hut boarding through learning activities at the Madrasah Diniyyah Riyadlotus Subbban and accuse takror held prayer Granted finished work. Learning is led by the senior teachers who have been generally memorize Scripture. With some materials and also the book of the classic Book theme century theologian to 20. As the book Bidayah Al-Mustafidah, Tuhfatul Atfal, Minutes Al-Wildan, Sifa 'Al-Jinan and others.

2. Investing in Discipline
Discipline is the key to success in all respects, including in the process of learning mangajar even more in the Al-Koran to memory. To improve the ability of those in the Al-Koran to memory, the teacher hut boarding Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh is considering the santrinya discipline, ranging from things that are small, such as equipment required to bring the learning process learn to teach things such as time takror, sorogan and others. This is to familiarize the santri to keep the discipline in all things, the more sap in the Al-Koran to memory because it is without the discipline of high taste difficult to achieve success.
One example of that discipline in implementing the teacher can see at the boarding this is when the theory sorogan, Surabaya, for which you want to follow sorogan required berjama'ah dawn prayer. For those who do not work in the dawn prayer will not be given a serial number to make a deposit sorogan. Once the work is also done pengabsenan known to anyone who is involved in work and who do not. For those who do not work is not allowed to earn sorogan.
In theory sorogan activities also are some rules that must be fulfilled by the Surabaya, including:
a. Must be absent before filling activities sorogan instruction begins.
b. When the theory sorogan santri card is required to bring the sign Surabaya (KTS).
c. At the time sorogan santri also required to bring the serial number that has been in the work-share after the dawn prayer.
d. Must follow Him Daybreak work.
Rules are made to the above santri to always wear them in all matters of discipline, so that her ex-in can be achieved.

3. Organize a guide and guidance
Islamic boarding the role of teachers as educators and teachers also as a leader and founder Surabaya, in this effort teacher hut boarding implement the guidance of Surabaya, by providing guidance concerning the manner memorize it good and true, when the sap The Koran is right, what method is used, and others.
For the new santri will grind it for guidance and this guidance is required once, because they have not yet experienced and know the things that must be done before the sap and what should be promising in the Al-Koran to memory. Guidance is also needed to Surabaya, which is considered not reach the standard in the mug. In general, this time at the boarding needed in the grind it is between three to four years, there is also a lack of time on. But there is also time that exceeds the normal and Surabaya, which is considered as not meeting standards in the menghafal.Untuk counseling and guidance needed very intensive in order to complete the recitation with as soon as possible.

4. Organize Rutinan Sema'an Al-Koran
Rutinan is implemented to maintain the rattle-rattle, which has been mastered and also inculcate in themselves utuk santri to love it with wholeheartedly. With love, which is expected to have in Surabaya, the more will be given in the (nderes) sap-hafalannya. Because the people who will have something more attention to what the cintainya, and will cause fear to lose these things.
With great attention to the Al-Koran and the taste readiness not be worth it in itself will increase the spirit of continued muzz and manjaga what has been dihafalnya with better quality.
Rutinan each one is held once a month or less, because not only implemented in a ceremony only, because in a month that can be carried out on a place with a time different, too. Rutinan-rutinan this is as follows:
a. Rutinan sema'an Scripture each end of the month
Sema'an conducted every day last week at the end of the month, which was held at the mosque in nurus Salamah jl. Parang win Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh. In this sema'an each santri will get its own section, starting from the first section of the Koran to make the last line with the mastery of each recitation. The start time night work week after praying Features to complete.
b. Rutinan sema'an Al-Qur'an every Friday Wage
Sema'an held every Friday night to Wage held at the graves of Mbah Dalem Sayyid Ahmad, which is dilingkungan Islamic boarding Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh. As sema'an-sema'an santri each other to get the tasks according to read and check the schedule has been determined. The start time after work resumed with a prayer Features istighosah together with the surrounding community.
c. Rutinan sema'an group each month
Sema'an consists of several groups, each group usually consists of five or more people Surabaya, because there are no restrictions remain for each group. Sema'an also like sema'an the other where each santri get parts own good time to read and check. Namely the implementation of each month beginning ditiap-house members each in turn, according to the schedule that has been agreed. This is aimed at smoothing the sap to the side that has been mastered.
d. Rutinan sema'an Al-Qur'an special-Surabaya, Surabaya, Roxburgh, which is in the house Peantren Tahfidzu Al-Hasan Al-Q.
Sema'an this is a rutinan located in a vessel named "Raudloh." Raudloh was from Surabaya, the Roxburgh good daughter and son, who still lives in the Islamic boarding Tahfidzu Qur'an Al-Hasan. Although members of the special Roxburgh, but will also provide the opportunity to Surabaya, Surabaya, the other comes from outside the Roxburgh who want to follow this sema'an.
Rutinan is held each month and once lived in the homes of its members in rotation, in accordance with the provisions that have been agreed by the members. Rutinan aims to improve the ability in addition to memorize Scripture also to strengthen bonds between Surabaya, which is located in Roxburgh Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzu Al-Koran al-Hasan.

5. Organize Musyafahah
Increase in the recitation of Scripture should guide once described each baca'an and ways of reading as waqaf, washol, ibtida ', breathing or not, and others.
For the teachers Islamic boarding Al-Hasan musyafahah or make known the talalaqi, ya'itu equates baca'an santri baca'an with teachers. Implementation is the way to sit before the teacher Surabaya, and read clearly and slowly, when there is one or less confirms the right of teachers to give examples of how to read, and then be copied by Surabaya, with most of the best. Santri the scientist to always concentrate to clarify the acceptance of oral baca'an teachers.
This aims to improve the independence, accuracy and the ketelieian santri to be able to memorize Scripture with the truth and always eloquent and discipline when reading the Scripture. The implementation is on each day after Friday prayers finished until dawn.

6. Organize takroran (sap repeat) each day.
One of the teacher hut boarding Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan Al-Hasan increase in the ability memorize Scripture, ya'itu by takroran each day. The start time at 08.00 hrs until 11:00 BBWI, who lived in the mosque Nurus Salamah jl. Parang Winning Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
Takroran is conducted by a group, each group consisted of two people Surabaya. This is aimed so that when one is mrnghafal santri to inspect the other, vice versa, and this in turn do with the way that does not cause boredom between the grind with the Polluter.

B. Obstacles and Solutions
1. Obstacles
In efforts to increase the recitation of the Quran made to the Surabaya-Surabaya, the son of Al-Hasan, the teachers still have some obstacles, among them:
a. The absence of clear planning
Without a clear plan will not be known whether memorize it will succeed or fail. Because if you want to memorize Scripture with the perfect planning must have a clear and defined target first time, and must solve it.
The location of the weakness of the santri Tahfidzul Koran Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh in the Al-Koran to memory, in general, they do not have a clear plan. For example, what the target should be met within a certain period of time, programs on what should be uppermost and others. In a planning role and influence have a very basar in realizing a goal, terlabih again in the Al-Koran to memory.

b. Lack of totality in the Al-Koran to memory
This means that one has a high totality is the person who always enthusiastic and berobsesi realize what he has niatkan and menyegerakannya with a vengeance.
However, because of Surabaya, the son of Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan, which generally follow the learning activities outside the general disekolah boarding and most of them are students, they can not devote all your energy and living in total to memorize it, because there are still activities activities or tasks campus and the school should they finish. So that no time can not fully open to memorize Scripture. In a desire or aspiration that should be complemented with the totality of high seriousness and, for the realization of ideals desired.

2. Solutions
In overcoming the problems that arise, the council teacher, nurse and the Surabaya Islamic boarding Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan hold a meeting every beginning, middle and end of the year lesson. This is done with the goal to give bimingan and lead to the Surabaya, which will both sap and the sap is the Al-Koran.
Counseling and guidance is also usually delivered through formal forums, such as at the time the warning days of Islam, such as at the time of the Prophet Maulud event, Isra 'mi'raj and days of Islam other. Counseling and guidance is also done through the individual approach, namely by providing advice directly to the recount or experience of teachers. As experience when dipesantren, when learning, when memorize Scripture and others. This kind of approach made by santri the goal to feel more and more attention strengthens the relationship between Surabaya and Surabaya, the teachers and can take lessons from what has been received from the experience of the teachers.
Besides the above solutions, there is a solution that is considered the most effective and efficient, that is, uswah hasanah. Where teachers directly, nonsuch provide a good example in daily life, such as how to instill discipline, a sense of responsibility, using the time the best and others, for achieving the desired objectives, namely to become the santri memorize, control, embrace their, and practice it perfectly.

C. Achievement reached in Surabaya, the son of Al-memorize the Koran in Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
To memorize the achievement of this entire bill ghoib santri Tahfidzu Pondok Pesantren Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh with the number of 34 persons can be seen from the table as follows:

Fluency reading Tajwid smoothness
Simply good Neither Less Self-Less Self-Less Good
1 Bonandi Ma'arif VVV
2 Ibn Sudianto VVV
3 Ahmad Rifa'i VVV
4 Ruston Nawawi VVV
5 Tsabbit Ikhsan VVV
6 Zainal Abidin VVV
8 M. Jufroni VVV
9 Syarifudin VVV
10 Iwan SVVV
11 Mustaqim VVV
12 Rozif Abdullah VVV
13 Isna Romdhoni VVV
14 Abdi Mulyono VVV
15 Ahmad Mahmudi VVV
16 Isaac Iswantoro VVV
17 Afif Saiful MVVV
18 A. Rianto VVV
19 Toyyib Rosidin VVV
20 Arifin Dimyati VVV
21 Momot Mukti VVV
22 Bahr Ulum VVV
23 Sungaji VVV
24 Sirojut Tolibin VVV
25 Khoirul Anam VVV
26 Musyafirin VVV
27 M. Maksum VVV
28 Sunarto VVV
29 Anton Muslims VVV
30 Hamdi Ahmad VVV
31 Irawan Kelvin VVV
32 Andi Fadlan VVV
33 M. Arifin VVV
34 M. Zahro'u VVV
Number of 19 14 1 19 13 2 4 14 16
Percentage 55.88% 41.17% 2.94% 55.88% 38.23% 5.88% 11.76% 41.17% 47.05%
a. Reading achievement Tajwid 19 santri that there is good value, with the percentage 55.88%, 14 santri with enough value to the Percentage 41.17% and 1 Surabaya, with a value of less than 2.94% Percentage.
b. The achievement of reading fluency are 19 santri with good value with the percentage 55.88%, 13 santri with enough value to the Percentage 38.23% and 2 Surabaya, with a value of less prisentase by 5.88%.
c. The smooth achievement of sap are 4 santri with good value with the percentage 11.76%, 14 santri with enough value to the Percentage 41.17% and Surabaya, there are 16 with less than a percentage value of 47.05%.
d. Data Analysis
Surabaya, which have good value with the percentage 41.18%
Surabaya, which earn enough percentage to 40.19%
Santri that earn less than the percentage 18.63%
The Knowledge posted at 07:34 0 comments

A. Brief History
Tahfidz Pondok Pesantren Al-Qur'an (PPTQ) Al-Hasan is the only Islamic boarding a steep it in Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh. The community around mengiginkan the pesantren and to examine the Al-Koran.
There are several other factors that encourage the establishment of reasons, including the following
1. the lack of special education institutions that deepen the Al-Koran at the basic or advanced level in Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
2. The desire of the community figures to the establishment of an institution that deepen the Al-Koran to their children is not much to learn and deepen it.
3. The existence of a Darmawan mewakafkan part of the land to a boarding school founded in Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
With some of the factors above, then immediately held discussion among the leaders in Patihan Wetan to establish an Islamic boarding a special deepen the Al-Koran, which named Mr. H. Khomari Hasan. mewakafkan as land for boarding. Some land is more charitable of Mr. KH Hussain Ali who is boarding the educator. Owing to the response of the community is very enthusiastic in a period of no longer officially stands Tafidzul Koran Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan on 2 July 1984. At the beginning of this pesantren, has only two buildings both Surabaya and Surabaya, the son and daughter are in a location that is only limited by the wall divider. With increasing Surabaya, Surabaya, the daughter moved to the north of the mosque Nurul Salamah right behind ndalem nurse.
Islamic boarding is precisely in the way of Parang Winning no. 32 villages Patihan Wetan Babadan district Pishin district. Pesantren was established for the time not ditetukan ever. Based on this budget basically boarding mempunyaiu goals as follows:
1. Investing in value - the value of religious students in order to become a Muslim man who some fear the Almighty God and religion that has the vision and broad place in accordance with Al-Quar'an and sunah.
2. Increasing the capacity and skills of children in the control of Scripture and able to develop for the.
3. Popularizing to the Al-Koran and the community as mengqur'ankan Harest prophet said:
خيركم من تعلم القران وعلمه (رواه البخارى)
This means: "The best that you are studying it and mengajarkanya." (HR. Bukhori).

B. Organizational Structure
1. Organizational Structure Tafidzu Pondok Pesantren Al-Qur'an Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh period 2007 / 2008 is as follows:

PERIOD 2007 / 2008

____________ Lines Komondo
- - - - - - - - - - - Line Consultation

2. Teachers of the Koran Tahfidzul Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan lessons Roxburgh years 2007 / 2008 as follows:
Department name
KH Hussain Ali, MA
Ust. Musyafirin
Ust. Jufroni
Ust. Rifa'i
Ust. Tolibin
Ust. Ikhsan
Ust. Nawawi Pengasuh







The teachers in pesantren, in general, this is Surabaya, Surabaya, a senior who has been working for several years and has a grip on sciences related to the Al-Koran and Al-memorize the Koran.

3. Circumstances Santri son Tahfidzu Pondok Pesantren Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh lessons Year 2007 / 2008
No amount of Santri
2. Bill Ghoib
Bin Nadlor 34 persons

C. Infrastructure Facilities
1. Geographical
Geographically Tahfidzu Pondok Pesantren Al-Koran al-Hasan is located in Jln. Parang Win No. 32 Village Patihan Wetan Subdistrict Babadan District Pishin.
The boundaries are as follows:
1. The western boundary with land owned by Mr. H. Komari Hasan and land owned by Mr. Haris
2. Eastern boundary with land owned by Mr. Jamil
3. South borders with the land owned by Mr. Mari
4. Bebatasan the north with the land owned by Mr. Joni Arifin
2. Infrastructure facilities owned
In implementing the boarding process has its own building as many as two, that there is some room.
The halls in the Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Koran Hasan Patihan Wetan is as follows:
1. Space Class: 4 Room
2. Mosque: 1 Fruit
3. Rooms: 9 Fruits
4. Office: 1 Room
5. Computer room: 1 Room
6. Teachers' room: 1 Room
7. Warehouse: 1 Room
8. General kitchen: 1 Room
9. Parking: 2 Places
10. WC Teachers: 2 Room
11. WC Santri: 4 Room
Besides, there are still some supplies of equipment to help the smoothness process as blackboards, desks, chairs, and other equipment that has been provided by the Islamic boarding.

D. Learning activities
1. Time Activities
In the early establishment of boarding this is that specializes in the boarding of the Al-Koran. In its development, this pesantren also examine the books of the paper Salaf 20th century theologian or better known as the yellow book of the classical system.
The process of learning activities that take place in the Islamic boarding Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh began after praying Granted, resumed after praying ISYA 'and after the dawn prayer. On the day in boarding there is no learning, because in general the santri the learning activities outside the boarding, started junior high level, to universities.

a. Activities after praying Granted
After praying Granted activities in the boarding began for santri bills ghoib after praying Granted required taktor, namely repeat again that sap has dikuasainya. The aim of the bill santri ghoib more control hafalannya.
For santri bin nadlaor required saragan about the Al-Koran to the ustasa has determined that, after starting work in Granted to ISYA entering the prayer '
b. Activities after praying ISYA '
After work ISYA 'Surabaya, the bills Ghoib do takrar back or add new to rattle on the sorogan time to tutor after work dawn. For santri bin Nadlor obliged to follow the Madrasah Diniah in the house, because the hut is also a madrasah dinniahnya called Madrasah Riyadlotus Subban.
Madrasah is initially set aside for the Surabaya-Surabaya-santrii bin nadlor, but for Surabaya, Surabaya, the bill also allowed the Ghoib learning activities in this pesantren. Material provided the material is the book - the book of the Salaf better known as the Book of yellow paper ulama-ulama Salaf in the middle period. Ingenuity and skill of a santri measured from the ability to read and megarahkan and explain the contents Book it. To be able to read and understand Scripture with a true, a santri to memehami charged with both sciences aids such as nahwa, sharaf, balaghah and others.
Because such a high position of the Book classic spam, each boarding always teach Scripture yellow the paper Salaf parson. Despite now have many boarding enter general lessons, but Scripture remains the classic board.
Besides examine the books of kunig madrasah also examine the religious sciences, which was taken from outside the Book yellow, namely the science of religion is taken from the Book Arabic prepared by the ulama-ulama of the current, for example, praised yunis, KH Imam Zarkasi, Umar Bakri and others.
The subjects in the Madrasah Riyadlotus Subbah in detail is as follows:
Class I
No Subject
5. Syarbawi
Amsilah Al-Tasrifiyyah
Virus' Al - arnali
Tanbihu Al-Muto'alim
Sifa'li Al-Jinan
Class II
No Subject
6. Matan Al-jurumiyyah
Kowait Al-sorfiyyah
Jawahirul Al-kalamiyyah
Mabadi'u Al-fiqhiyyah juice 3 and 4
Bidayah Al-mustafidah
Class III
No Subject
5. Takrirat Al-jurumiiyah
Takrirat Al-kawaidus Sarfiyyah
Ta'lim Al-muta'alim
Riyaad Al-badiah
Tijan Al-barary
Class IV
4. Al-imrity
Nadzam Al-maksuud
Intelligent Al-fikriyyah
In the madrasah is not only santri hut, which can only follow the learning activities, but will be open to anyone who wants to study also allowed, with the requirement to register first.
c. Activities after the dawn prayer
All Surabaya, both bin Nadlor and bills Ghoib required to sorogan about it to the nurse. Sorogan implemented by advanced four-four people to complete. At the time before sorogan santri required to fill the absent first and bring signs Surabaya (KTS). Sorogan started praying after work dawn to finish at approximately 06.00 BBWI.

2. Methods used in the process of learning and teaching.
Method is a tool of education to achieve a goal in the knowledge of students. Of course, requires an effective method of transferring knowledge to students. To be more clear about the meaning of the author ketengahkan method.
Method is a practical way to deliver lessons to students. There is give meaning, the method is the road that followed kepahaman to give to children in the various fields of study. Adalagi that says is the sequence of activities that focus bagiguru. That caused the emergence of learning and teaching so that students become impressed.
In essence in the process of learning activities teachers must decide the method clearly before deciding in choosing the appropriate method. In a destination that will cause difficulties for menentuakan method that is suitable and appropriate.
Therefore, in implementing the learning loop is required teachers or professional educators, which they have been equipped with knowledge and ability and proficiency, talents and interests enough.
In Islamic boarding Tahfidzu Al-Qur'an Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh in the process of learning is still using the classic method, including methods of lectures. Methods lectures is a method in education where the understanding of how to deliver materials to students with the way explain, explain and explain how a verbal expression.
Besides lectures methods classical methods are still used in pesantren - pesantren in Indonesia, namely the method sorogan. Sorogan this method is very efficient to improve the creativity of the students, going on this method educators only participant supervise students and provide guidance in the delivery of materials when there is less or not appropriate. So the students are required to always strive possible in the control and deliver materials to educators. Things like this can encourage students to be more active in learning and to ask other people when there are things that still feel awkward or less can be understood. For those boarding - pesantren in Indonesia are still many who rely on this method, because it is considered the most effective and efficient.


A. Conclusion
In improve memorize Scripture Surabaya, the son of Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Koran (PPTQ) Al-Hasan patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh, the results of the research authors do, that teachers Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Koran (PPTQ) Hasan Al-do some efforts, which include the following:
1. Efforts teacher hut boarding
a. Instilling discipline, such as deposits implement and takror (repeat sap) in time has been set, Surabaya, accustomed to the discipline in daily life and have a sense of responsibility.
b. Tajwid deepen knowledge, because it has an important role in the Ai-memorize the Koran and is one of the science that should be owned by the prospective hafidz.
c. Organize rutinan sema'an of Scripture, because this rutinan with the establishment of Surabaya, more and more control hafalannya strengthen bonds between Surabaya and its surrounding communities.

2. Achievement santri
As has been disclosed above manghafal that the performance of the Al-Koran Surabaya, the son of Islamic boarding Tahfidzul Qur'an Al-Hasan average values shown by both the percentage of 41.18%.

B. Suggestions
Due to the results of research that bpenulis do, then there is some suggestion that needs to be given to the reasons as follows:
1. Viewed from the results of the research authors do in the Koran Tahfidzul Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh, the efforts of Islamic boarding the teachers get the results that are less satisfactory, the need to increase again in the discipline in all the activities of all parties to the achievement of Surabaya, the Koran Tahfidzul Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh better.
2. Facilities are affecting learning achievement, the Surabaya and merawatnya should pay attention to the serious, such as places of worship, study room and all the space infentaris Islamic boarding.
3. To all the elements of the Koran Tahfidzul Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh should have a sense of responsibility in the high carries the mandate of both tutor and guardian of Surabaya.

C. Closing
Indeed, all praises for Allah, the worlds raab, which has provided ease, land and inayahnya to the author, so it can resolve this essay. All this is the will Allahswt and not merely works of the author.
The author is fully aware that the script is still far from kesempurna'an, and there are still many shortcomings and mismanagement, although its vengeance. Therefore, the author is a criticism and suggestions from all parties who have read this paper.
However Foreword from the author, and the authors hope that this work can be made in consideration in the activities of Al-memorize the Koran in the Koran Tahfidzul Pondok Pesantren Al-Hasan Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh and especially for the public generally.


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Marked the hands below:
NPM: 062 506 57. 630
Sex: Male
Places of birth date: Tanjung Samak. 17 August 1979
Religion: Islam
Address: Jl. Parang Winning No.32 Patihan Wetan Babadan Roxburgh.
Education: 1. SDN 050 Tanjung Samak Th.1991/1992
2. 05 University of Tanjung Samak Year 1994/1995
3. MAN Melrose Th 1997/1998
4. Styagama University Faculty of Science Teacher Education and Religion of Islam Program (S1)

However the list of history education is the author made in accordance with the actual data.


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